LAVA SOAP Bar with monoionic Silver
Natural body soap with cleansing and refreshing properties, recommended for oily, mixed, or problematic skin (acne, psoriasis in the inactive phase)
Active ingredients: Sodium olivate, sodium Palmate, mineral salts, natural fatty acids and antioxidants enhanced by the nutritional properties of monoionic silver. It is both an antiseptic and anti-fungal product.
How to use: Soak the whole body. Apply soap with slow movements that massage the skin's surface and allow its ingredients to penetrate deep into the skin. Your relaxing massage should last a few minutes, after which the soap can be rinsed off with water.
Size: 100 g
Does NOT contain: parabens, artificial fragrances or dyes, harmful preservatives
BIOPOWER products combine technology with dermatology. They get under your skin and work from the inside out, bringing your natural beauty and good health to the surface.